Fermented dairy products like kefir may reduce the risk of colon cancer!

Posted by Frederick Gandolfo MD, on

Fermented dairy sounds rather disgusting, as the name suggests something akin to spoiled milk, but in reality most fermented milk products are actually quite delicious! Fermented dairy products are foods like yogurt, cheese, sour cream, and kefir among others. The process of fermentation is usually done by bacteria such...

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Junk Food and Cancer: Is There a Link?

Posted by Frederick Gandolfo MD, on

I think it’s safe to say that most people already know that eating “junk food” is probably not really a good thing to do. You can show the average five-year-old a bunch of broccoli and a candy bar, and ask her which food is healthier, and she’ll regrettably pick...

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How Exactly Does Alcohol Cause Liver Problems?

Posted by Frederick Gandolfo MD, on

Alcohol has been enjoyed by people throughout the world from the beginning of recorded history up until present day. It is an important part of many cultures and social gatherings, but because alcohol is available almost everywhere it is also easily misused and abused. By now, it is pretty...

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Can you eat seeds, nuts, and popcorn if you have diverticulosis? Can diet prevent diverticulitis?

Posted by Frederick Gandolfo MD, on

Diverticulitis is a common and sometimes serious problem that affects several hundred thousand people each year. Diverticulitis is the condition where small outpouchings or “pockets” in the wall of the large intestine called diverticula become inflamed and infected, and typically presents as a constant lower abdominal pain, associated with...

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